Automated Tumor Spheroid Handling on the epMotion® 5073t using InSphero Akura™ Plates

In order to evaluate potential anti-tumor agents for human trials, tumor spheroids are an increasingly important alternative to replace animal testing in cancer research. In contrast to the homogeneity of 2D cell layers, three-dimensional cell cultivation closer resembles cells' natural environment in terms of oxygen gradient and metabolite distribution.

While automating 3D cell culture workflows, homogenous spheroid growth after seeding and their retention in the culture plate during medium change are the major challenges. Using the epMotion® 5073t with optimized labware- and liquid-type settings, reliable tumor spheroid formation and culture can be achieved. The spheroids can be used for various applications, including biochemical assays and drug screening.

InSphero’s Akura™ Spheroid microplates are specifically designed for 3D cell culture and organoid models. The ultra-low attachment (ULA) microplates have a unique surface coating that prevents cells from adhering to the wells, making them ideal for suspension cell culture. Due to the specific geometry of each well, 90% of the culture medium can be exchanged without losing spheroids in the process.

Learn how combining epMotion® 5073t from Eppendorf and InSphero's reliable and scalable spheroid microplates, enables efficient and reliable automated 3D cell cultivation and assays.

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