Akura™ Microplate Technology

The All-in-One Spheroid Microplate Family for
3D Cell Culture Aggregation, Experimentation and Analysis

Introduction to Akura™ Microplate Technology

Akura™ Spheroid Microplates have been designed by 3D cell culture experts to comply with the highest industry standards in drug discovery for spheroid and organoid assay development and application at scale. 

The unique features of the microplate technology enable scientists to perform all steps of 3D biological assays: from spheroid formation, long term experimental protocols to complex multi-parametric analysis in a single plate. Simple and robust handling is guaranteed for manual pipetting steps as well as when implemented in high throughput screens. 

Since years, Akura™ Microplates constitute the central piece of technology for InSphero’s industry-validated 3D InSight™ services and Assay-Ready Microtissues shipped worldwide.

Why Akura™ Microplate Technology?

All-in-One microplate technology covering the complete assay workflow from reliable spheroid aggregation, long-term culturing and read out in the same plate.

Reliable and reproducible spheroid formation

Uniform aggregation of spheroids, one spheroid per well, with low well-to-well and batch-to-batch variation in 96 and 384-well format.

Near-complete medium exchange without spheroid loss

A unique well design enables removal of over 90% of the medium without the risk of spheroid damage or accidental aspiration.

An icon demonstrating InSphero's 3D in vitro human liver model which enables fast and efficient safety assessment projects

Long-term culturing

A stable ultra-low attachment surface in the well preserves spheroid morphology and function over several weeks.

High-content image analysis

The flat, optically clear bottom and 1-mm optical window enables fast and high-resolution imaging on standard microscopy instruments and plate readers.

Akura™ Microplate Portfolio

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Manual medium exchange under 2 minutes with InSphero Akura™ 96 Spheroid Microplate

Optimizing High-Content Imaging of 3D Models for Drug Discovery

Scalable 3D Cell Culture Technologies Engineered for Physiological InSight

InSphero Portfolio of 3D Microplate Formats

Microplate Technology for Scalable, Reliable and Reproducible 3D Cell Culture

Microplate technology

Unique well design with SureXchange™ tapered ledge

The SureXchange™ ledge provides a defined and perceptible contact point for the pipette tip. The well architecture allows easy and near-complete medium exchange with a defined minimal residual volume for defined medium condition in the well and precise compound dosing. The spheroid is protected at the bottom of the well and prevents any loss over multiple medium exchanges. It enables researcher to work with 3D cell culture as they are used in 2D.

Consistent spheroid reproducibility and uniformity​

The Akura™ Microplate technology demonstrates consistent performance and reproducibility, from plate to plate and batch to batch, producing standardized in vitro assays and applications at scale. The high-quality production standards, microplate materials and automated ULA surface treatments allow consistent and uniform formation of a wide range of spheroid models derived from different cell types and composed of increasing complexity (cell lines, iPS cells or primary cell sources).

True scalability guaranteed by automation compatibility and SLAS/ANSI standard

The standard plate and well dimensions, excellent planarity and 96-well as well as 384-well formats enables rapid and seamless scale up of experimental protocols using automation and a broad range of life science instruments. No limitation in number of experimental conditions provide efficient assay development and enable to test a broad range of compounds and concentrations. Through automation many experimental workflow such as cell seeding, medium exchange and spheroid transfer as well as compound dosing and supernatant sampling can be transferred to automated liquid handlers increasing hands-off, lowering personal effort and cost.

Extract maximal information over a broad range of available read out methods

The well design, plate format and spheroid model ensures compatibility with a large variety of in-plate analysis methods: the direct access to the medium and non-attached 3D cell culture provides seamless use of diverse biochemical assays. The complete spheroid can be lysed to analyze cellular content using plate readers or advance deep endpoints such as RNA Sequencing. The flat-bottom enables unparalleled aberration-free, high-resolution imaging. Multi-parametric feature extraction combined with a high-throughput physiologically relevant organ model not only provide the right balance between biological complexity and rich information content, but produce the required input for AI-based analyses and ultimately deeper insight in organ and disease mechanism.

An image of InSphero imaging capabilities via the 3D in vitro technology related to High-content screening

Choose the Right Spheroid Microplate for Your Research

Explore the portfolio of spheroid microplates and unlock the full potential of 3D in vitro with Akura™ Microplate Technology

Akura™ 384 ImagePro

Akura™ 384 ImagePro

Akura™ 384 Spheroid Microplate

Akura™ 96 Spheroid Microplate

Akura™ PLUS Hanging Drop System

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