Published: July 13, 2020

InSphero Launches Academic Access Program for Akura™ Flow Organ-on-Chip Platform to Accelerate Biomedical Innovations

InSphero Launches Academic Access Program for Akura™ Flow Organ-on-Chip Platform to Accelerate Biomedical Innovations

New program will enable academic research teams to develop applications for plug-and-play organ-on-chip technology without requiring resource intensive platform and model development.

Schlieren, Switzerland – July 13, 2020   InSphero AG, the pioneer of 3D cell-based assay technology, today announced that the company is launching an academic access program for its versatile Akura™ Flow organ-on-chip technology. The new program will enable academic researchers to fast-forward past the myriad bioengineering challenges and proof-of-concept tests typically associated with biomicrofluidic projects, to focus on applying this transformative technology to investigate complex biological questions.

The Akura™ Flow microphysiological system for spheroid-based organ-on-chip applications has been engineered specifically to make complicated microfluidic technology accessible to bench scientists who have a deep understanding of human cell biology, but lack bioengineering background and resources needed to develop higher order 3D cell-culture systems. When combined with InSphero’s highly standardized and extensively characterized 3D InSight™ microtissue models, this technology enables researchers to design single- and multi-organ networks, conduct a wide range of experiments, and collect appropriate endpoint data – without investing months, if not years on platform and model development.

“There is a growing need for preclinical tools that better mimic complex disease pathophysiologies,” says InSphero Head of Technology and Platforms Olivier Frey, PhD, the primary architect of the Akura™ Flow platform. “By extending access to our Akura™ Flow organ-on-chip technology to the academic community, InSphero can support and nurture innovative research that fully exploits the power of organ networks to help us better understand and treat these diseases.”

InSphero is now accepting program applications and will select a limited number of academic labs to participate in this program, with preference given to groups that aim to investigate tissue-tissue interactions in multi-organ networks, employ deep endpoints, leverage scalability through automation, and evaluate effects of flow on tissue function and/or modulation. Participating labs will receive an academic license to use the Akura™ Flow platform and comprehensive training and support. The complete academic license package includes sufficient plates and chip supplies for up to 128 experimental conditions, and the all-in-one Akura™ Flow tilting device for gravity-based flow perfusion control. 3D InSight™ human liver, pancreatic islet, and tumor microtissue models will be available separately. Participants may also use the Akura™ Flow platform with their own 3D spheroid models.

Find more information or apply on the Akura™ Flow Academic Access Program page.

About InSphero

InSphero is the pioneer of industrial-grade, 3D-cell-based assay solutions and scaffold-free 3D organ-on-a-chip technology. Through partnerships, InSphero supports pharmaceutical and biotechnology researchers in successful decision-making by accurately rebuilding the human physiology in vitro. Its robust and precisely engineered suite of 3D InSight™ human tissue platforms are used by major pharmaceutical companies worldwide to increase efficiency in drug discovery and safety testing. The company specializes in liver toxicology, metabolic diseases (e.g., T1 & T2 diabetes and NAFLD & NASH liver disease), and oncology (with a focus on immuno-oncology and PDX models). The scalable Akura™ technology underlying the company’s 3D InSight™ Discovery and Safety Platforms includes 96 and 384-well plate formats and the Akura™ Flow organ-on-a-chip system to drive efficient innovation throughout all phases of drug development.

Learn more at  Follow the company on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Media Contact
Frank Junker, PhD
Chief Business Officer
InSphero AG
Phone +41 44 5150490


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InSphero Akura Flow
The Akura™ Flow Plug-and-Play Organ-on-Chip System.

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