InSphero’s Mission to Reduce Animal Testing in Drug Discovery - an Interview with LSCV

In this interview with the Swiss League Against Animal Testing (LSCV), we discussed the critical need for advancements in biotechnology to address the limitations of traditional animal testing in drug development.

At InSphero, we develop highly predictive and scalable 3D in vitro models to reduce, and eventually replace, the need for animal testing in early-stage pharmaceutical research. These human-derived models offer a more accurate and ethical alternative to animal models, allowing for patient-focused testing that produces more relevant data, especially when considering the diverse genetic and demographic variations found in human populations.

The interview highlights the ethical concerns surrounding animal testing, including its inability to reflect the full spectrum of human diversity. By shifting to patient-derived models, we at InSphero are working to reduce the high attrition rates seen in clinical trials by providing more precise and human-relevant data from the outset. Our technology enables early-stage drug testing that better informs decisions on which compounds move forward, leading to safer, more effective treatments entering clinical trials.

Watch the full interview with LSCV below:

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