

Research Areas
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The 3D DILI Model of Success – from Biological Relevance to Industry Application

Advancing Oncology and Immune-Oncology Therapeutic Development Using 3D Tumor Spheroids

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology: Quantification of Fibrosis in Human 3D NASH Model

Predicting Metabolism-Related Drug-Drug Interactions with Organ-on-a-Chip Technology

Modeling NAFLD: From Steatosis to NASH and Fibrosis

Redefining NASH Drug Discovery: A New Approach to Complex Disease Modeling

A Novel, High-Resolution Perifusion Platform for Studying Insulin Release Dynamics of Single Human Pancreatic Islets

Novel Lipidomic-based Approach to Liver Drug Safety

How to Evaluate Preclinical and Clinical DILI

Optimizing 3D Spheroid Models for Efficient Drug-Induced Liver Injury Screening

A Novel Framework for Teasing Out Mechanisms of DILI

Optimizing High-Content Imaging of 3D Models for Drug Discovery

Implementing High Resolution, High Content Image Analysis with Multicellular 3D Spheroid Models

Scalable 3D Cell Culture Technologies Engineered for Physiological InSight

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